
Agenda Escolar W.I.T.C.H.

Literatura infantil: de 0 a 12 años


Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin have become youth idols, causing a profound social impact on girls between the ages of nine and fourteen in many countries. Now these favorite characters present an instructive and fun-to-use school date book to help plan and organize daily activities. In the attractive pages of this book, our favorite witches offer young fans a place to keep track of their school schedules, their best friends? addresses, their daily school activities, and much more, all peppered with numerous tips, suggestions, and ideas that are sure to be welcomed and appreciated by youngsters. This practical tool teaches students to program all their activities, both school-related and extra-curricular, and manage their time, thus preparing them to take on future responsibilities in an ever-more competitive world. And to make this task more pleasant and manageable, the back of the date book includes lots of special stickers featuring our witch friends and their adventures.

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